Hoppinger is looking for a Head of Technology

For our fast-growing client Hoppinger we are looking for a motivated Head of Technology with solid experience in hands-on software development and leading software development teams. You work closely with the Hoppinger Group CTO in defining and maintaining a roadmap to lead the development team of Hoppinger into a future of great code and great added value for their customers.

Read the complete job profile >

We would like to receive applications (a job-specific motivation letter plus CV) for this Hoppinger Head of Technology preferably as soon as possible.

Previously held by InterExcellent in the role of IT director/IT manager >

Voor vragen of meer informatie neem contact op

Sietse Bergstra

Drs. Sietse Bergstra

Managing Partner
We ondersteunen organisaties om hun keten van IT en IV weer werkend te maken.
Stuur een e-mail of bel +31 (0) 35 5280430